Sunday 15 January 2012

The Eco-Friendly Dentist

A few days ago I found a YouTube video that was posted on reddit about the eco-friendly dentist and I felt that I had to share it with you guys. As you can see from the clip (link is below) he is very enthusiastic about being green.

YouTube Video Of The Greeniest Dentist.  I just wish everyone, regardless if they own a business or not, would take the environment and how we all affect it as a serious issue rather than just dismissing it. I think it is great that the guy offers toothbrushes (through his practice) that are made from plastic yogurt pots and that he collects old toothbrushes to get recycled!

He also mentioned about using less paper by turning all the dental records from paper into a digital form (computer based). Imagine the amount of trees that could be saved if just a faction of companies switched from paper to digital.

Hope you enjoyed the video and as usual feel free to comment.

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