Monday, 30 January 2012

Weird Stuff You Can Recycle

Everyone know thats we need to recycle & reuse more and throw out less, so we know about plastic, glass, paper etc but I bet these weird stuff are things you didn't think you could recycle.

Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Is It Possible To Have Zero Waste?

In the world we are living in land is becoming scarcer which means that we are running out of space to throw away our rubbish. This means we will have to eventually live in a zero waste society and this will most likely be caused by making sure we use things that can be recycled.

Thursday, 19 January 2012

How To Be Green With Your Cuppa!

This aspect of a greener life is not so well known hence why there is a whole post devoted to it. As we will all know some of the most electrical consuming objects can be found in the kitchen and one of those devices is the kettle, so the next you make a cuppa just follow the information for a greener life.

Sunday, 15 January 2012

The Eco-Friendly Dentist

A few days ago I found a YouTube video that was posted on reddit about the eco-friendly dentist and I felt that I had to share it with you guys. As you can see from the clip (link is below) he is very enthusiastic about being green.

Saturday, 14 January 2012

What Motivates People To Recycle?

Most people know that recycling is important in order to make less of an impact upon the environment however there are a lot of people that ignore this and fail to recycle the things that can be recycled!

Sunday, 1 January 2012

Light Bulb Snowman

In my last post about reusing I mentioned by using paper mache and a used light bulb to make cute little snowman, I know it is a tad late since Christmas has just pasted but there is always next year, well here’s a picture of one I made:

Reusing Ideas

Recently I published a post on the three R's (reduce, reuse and recycle) so I decided to make a post about reusing ideas. Reusing something is important in helping our environment as it means new resources do not need to be harvested to make that item.

Bulbs ~ Fancy doing some paper mache? Using a bulb, newspaper, glue and some imagination you can make a nice pretty snowman. For instructions try this site.